Welcome to MAGNETO

Modeling & Analysis Group:
Networks & Emergence in Teams & Organizations


The MAGNETO project is a consortium of organizational researchers from Michigan State University, Old Dominion University, and the University of South Florida. Our research focuses broadly on the dynamic and multilevel processes that drive team and system effectiveness. We are particularly interested in psycho-social reactions and performance in high-stakes environments. Please explore our website to learn more about our work!


Our work examines how cognitive and emotional processes produce individual behaviors that generate emergent team performance. To do so, we apply multilevel frameworks that focus on the interaction between individual-level and team-level systems.


We use advanced statistical and computational techniques to evaluate teams across their lifecycle and identify how individual- and team-level processes cause team phenomena to unfold over time in complex and oftentimes nonlinear patterns. 


We place special focus on teams “in the wild” that operate in isolated, confined, and extreme (ICE) conditions. Team members operating in these settings must make high-stakes decisions that have life-or-death implications for themselves and/or their stakeholders.